3 thoughts on “The Power of Biblical Thinking

  1. jax3172

    Watched the service today. Brought back fond memories of people I still love dearly, and the most beautiful time in my life. God bless College Church. BTW, loved the music which is saying a lot coming from me.

  2. Mark

    Trusting GOD great sermon!!

    where we are going is far greater than where we have been.

    When I was young I would pray for many things as I got older I realized That GOD knows better than I what I need.

    Now 90 % of my prayer time is thank you GOD and 10% is in quietly listening.

    If you choose to quiet your mind and listen prepare for an answer you will not be able to change.

    It is foolish for me to think I may know the mind of GOD. (THE GREAT I AM)
    I just Trust GOD and the answer.

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